Pathways And Formations

I am driven by breath, stillness, pleasure, pain, and creation. I make art to describe the ineffable. Our world has become so rigid with structures of logic and definition in an attempt to control and retain certainty. The divides multiply and we are pushed further and further away from each other and in turn, further and further away from the energy of all things, the unity that truly defines us. An imbalance of rigidity over expansiveness feeds fear that keeps us from the true loving, mothering, nurturing self within all of us. How do we describe our divine connection, our deepest selves? Each painting is a prayer to loosen our grips.

My approach is deeply intuitive, guided by the process rather than a predetermined goal. I play and it is a dance between the tangible and the ethereal. Sometimes I construct, but typically I become a channel or vessel for the experience. My marks and the media I use change with my seasons. For the last year, the translucent beauty, endless variation and earthiness of watercolor has called me.

The work on view as part of Pathways and Formations are an offering of self-awareness. Created in 2006, and from 2021-2023, the pieces are a documentation of the depths of human emotion through the resilience of spirit. They tell stories driven by the pain of human existence interwoven with the deep sacred beauty that lies just beneath. This exhibition explores themes of family, place, and isolation.